Science by Nature - Our Ethos

Science by Nature - Our Ethos

Posted by Bio first US Admin on

Our Loving Nature

The Garden of Eden was fully grown and prepared for Adam & Eve - humans arrive from and into this highly developed kingdom of life so it is part of our DNA...

We are born with ancient wisdom in our blood!

That's why we love the smell of flowers, the taste of fruit, the feel of water and oils.

Nature is loving and love is natural, there is no life without them.

How would I capture and share this through Bio-First?

By searching for connections between ancient wisdom and the latest research to identify what helps us look and feel well.

A process of combining instincts with analysis.

The big companies do it differently, they use analysis to try and satisfy the instincts of their customers - and those instincts are increasingly going back to natural products.

So you get a 'natural milk & honey' handwash made from chemicals with a tiny bit of milk powder and honey extract thrown in to justify the name.

By contrast, Bio-First truly means bio first

We use genuine Manuka Honey, juices, oils, extracts and essences that each have a special role in nature & in our products.

But we go further, way back to traditions from thousands of years ago and forward to new understandings that are just emerging.

Amazingly the new confirms the old, but perhaps this is no surprise - biology does not basically change (unless of course we engineer it... let's not go there!!)

Let's stay with loving nature and the love for nature in our products made with care for you and your family. This was the vision that became a reality.

Thanks for being a part of the Bio-First journey.

'Dr Jude'




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